We won't turn our backs on prisoners like Governor Baker

As Governor Baker turns his back on prisoners, two organizations are stepping up to offer mutual aide.

The Boston chapter of Black and Pink, and Deeper Than Water raised nearly $25,000 to support those Baker abandoned as disposable. We redistributed funds to 515 LGBTQ people, those living with HIV, women, sex workers, and ICE detainees. The goal is to affirm that their lives matter while providing a few bucks to purchase soap, food, and phone credits to call their families. 

Due to the inaction of Governor Baker, we expanded the scope of our project. We re-gifted $7,000 to the Boston Release Network to help those released during this pandemic find housing and transportation. Their volunteers are forced to potentially expose themselves to COVID-19 as they work closely with those in need. Truly, they are heroes.  We re-gifted another $2,000 to Coyote -RI, an organization that serves sex workers.

While money cannot stop the onslaught of deaths due to COVID-19, it can alleviate some of the stress and despair our incarcerated members face while on institutional lockdown. We may not be able to force Baker’s hand, but we can show prisoners that they are not forgotten.

The Governor’s callous attitude certainly says more about him than it does about those he holds in cages.